When You Get Off Course Post by Joel Osteen. God told Jonah to go to the city of Nineveh. He had clear instructions. He knew exactly what he was supposed to do, but Jonah didn't want to go to Nineveh. Instead, he went the opposite direction. God said, "Go left." He went right. You would think God would say, "All right, Jonah. You're on your own. I'll go before you if you go to Nineveh, but good luck if you go the other way." Jonah got on a boat headed in the wrong direction and a huge storm arose. Yes, there are consequences for going the wrong way, but that doesn't mean God won't help you. He's going to give you another chance and another and another. The boat Jonah was in was about to capsize. The sailors were all about to die. Jonah finally admitted that he was the cause of the storm. The sailors didn't think twice. They threw him overboard. Here was Jonah out in the middle of the ocean in a huge storm, no life jacket, no chanc...