Cut People Some Slack

Cut People Some Slack BY RICK WARREN — 75 04-24-17-Miracle-Mercy-Cut-People-Some-Slack “Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love” (Ephesians 4:2b TLB). Everybody has bad days. Kay knows that I have two touchy times every week. I’m touchy on Saturday afternoon because I’m focused on the message I am about to preach. And the other time I’m touchy is Monday morning, because I’m drained from preaching all weekend and talking to people between services. So Kay makes allowances for that. She cuts me some slack. That’s a key part of how you deal with EGRs (people with Extra Grace Required). In the last few devotionals, I’ve mentioned that in dealing with EGRs we need to look behind the behavior and refuse to be offended. But we also must deal with them like Kay deals with me when I’m in a touchy mood: We have to cut them some slack. The Bible says, “Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of...