ONE DAY AT A TIME Today’s Scripture: Psalm 84:7 They go from strength to strength; Each one appears before God in Zion. A lady who desired to lead a Christian life felt she had a challenge with her attitude that was difficult to give up, and so decided to go seek counsel from her pastor. When she consulted the pastor, he said: “Have you noticed that there are always a few dead leaves clinging to the old oak trees after all the other leaves have fallen? The strong blasts of winter fail to tear them off. Spring comes, and still they cling persistently. The days are calm, bright, and balmy. Then one by one they drop off. What unseen power so quietly, but so surely severs them? The new life rising in the tree gradually causes them to drop off. And so with us, – as the new life in Christ permeates our being, we find that we can give up for Him what before was so hard to renounce.” Our attitude is built one day at a time. Nothing enduring happens suddenly. You do not suddenly b...