Don’t Misinterpret God’s Patience [Wednesday March 22, 2017]
DCLM Daily Manna March 22, 2017 by Pastor Kumuyi – Don’t Misinterpret God’s Patience Topic: Don’t Misinterpret God’s Patience [Wednesday March 22, 2017] Text: Job 21:1-21 Key Verse: " Wherefore do the wicked live, become old, yea, are mighty in power?" (Job 21:7). How vulnerable are people who have stereotyped minds about God! Job’s friends were such people who would not listen to other people before passing their comments. They threw overboard fair hearing – a situation that would neither help the victim nor the comforters. Job pleaded with his friends not to deny him of a patient and fair hearing in this matter. He said after telling his own side, the "comforters" might decide to either console or mock him. He took this stand because he knew men are liable to making errors in judgment. It was only to God who cannot make any mistake he wished to lodge his complaints. He however wished that his complaints would make his friends to ponder and wonder on ...