REDUCE TO WRITING -PROVERBS 25:1-15 KEY VERSE: "These are also proverbs of Solomon, which the men of Hezekiah king of Judah copied out" (Proverb 25:1). Can you imagine a world without history, without writing and without documentation? Most important events and persons would have been lost forever! Today’s text starts with the introduction of how the entire chapter 25 of Proverbs came to be. It was copied out by the men of Hezekiah, king of Judah. The basic difference between divinely inspired truth and mere history is that all divine truths started out with the glory of God in mind and God was involved in moving men to write. Though most historical writings are at best to preserve knowledge, divinely inspired truths are well beyond history. The entire verses of this chapter are laden with eternal truths that are still relevant to us. Verses 2 to 7 speak about relationships with God and leadership. We are taught both spiritual truths and intellectual insights as to how ...