"Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ"� (Colossians 2:8).
In our text, Paul warned the Colossian Christians to beware of the Greek and Orient (East Asia) philosophies. The philosophies contained ideas about Divine existence which were contrary to Christian beliefs. They were also to avoid Jewish traditions which could pollute the sound doctrine they had received. According to William F. Hill, "If we find ourselves attached to this worldly system we live among, we are in danger."� The warning is even more relevant now than then in the light of current realities. In some societies, today, you cannot spank your child, prayers and the Bible are not allowed in schools, and same sex marriage is legalised. These modern ideas must be rejected by Christians as Satan is spreading them through scholars, music and movie artistes, and writers. My child, the world is not an accident; God made it and the Bible, His word, is our blue print for right living, and it stands forever. But human Philosophies, cultures and traditions shall pass away.
Challenge: Do not be misled, take heed to God's word.
Prayer: Keep me in faith, dear Lord.
Quote: His word is our blueprint
Bible Reading in one Year: Colossians 2:6-9
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