The Shout of Victory

The Shout of Victory
Oclap your hands, all ye people; shout unto God with the voice of triumph (Psalm 47:1).
Our opening verse is talking about the shout of victory. Some people shout out of fear, but in Christianity we shout in victory. We shout unto the Lord with the voice of triumph. It’s like the shout the children of Israel gave in conquering Jericho. As they journeyed to the Promised Land, they got to Jericho, but the city was shut with thick and imposing walls (Joshua 6:1).
The Lord, however, gave Joshua the strategy to conquer Jericho. It was the “shout strategy”: “…And it shall come to pass, that when they make a long blast with the ram’s horn, and when ye hear the sound of the trumpet, all the people shall shout with a great shout; and the wall of the city shall fall down flat, and the people shall ascend up every man straight before him ” (Joshua 6:2-5). When the people did as the Lord instructed, the walls came down flat (Joshua 6:20).
Some people don’t understand it when we shout; it’s spiritual. The Bible tells us about Jesus, that He “…shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:” (1 Thessalonians 4:16). It’s like the kind of shout He gave at the tomb of Lazarus; the Bible says He yelled with a loud voice, “...Lazarus, come forth” (John 11:43).
Lazarus, having been dead, and buried for four days, already believed to be putrefying, came out of the grave alive! When we shout in victory, the enemy is discomfited; the dead come back to life. Some people only shout out of fear; and The Word of God is the only true light. Apart from showing you your endowments and rights in Christ, it also produces in you such changes that are consistent with His message, leading and directing you. No wonder the Psalmist said, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” (Psalm 119:105).
PRAYER Dear heavenly Father, I thank you for the light of your Word in my spirit that illuminates my path in life, in the direction of your perfect will. I know, and walk in my inheritance in Christ Jesus, because the Word has revealed them to me. Blessed be God!
FURTHERSTUDY: 2 Corinthians 4:6 John 1:7-9 John 8:12 1 YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN: Luke 20:20-21:1-4 1 Samuel 20-22 2 YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN: Mark 5:1-13 Leviticus 24


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